就業職缺 > 美商斯貝特自行車股份有限公司台灣分公司 - Compliance Engineer - Taiwan 產品安規工程師
應徵職缺  (應徵已於2023/10/31 23:50截止 )
徵才說明 Please also submit your English CV (resume) to ann.tsai@specialized.com
機構名稱 美商斯貝特自行車股份有限公司台灣分公司(28985732) 負責人 陳思如
機構地址 台中市南屯區文昌街400號
機構簡介 Specialized 是全球最大的高階單車品牌,於1974 年由Mike Sinyard 於美國加州所創立。熱情、創新與信任㇐直是Specialized 創業以來所堅守的信念,1976 年推出第㇐個以Specialized 為品牌名的商品— 旅遊用外胎,1978 年推出第
㇐款可折疊的公路車外胎,1981 年推出全世界第㇐台量化生產的登山車Stumpjumper,此商品不只是㇐台自行車商品,更創造出㇐種全新的生活態度,進而影響了全球的單車文化, 在華盛頓首都的Smithsonian Institution 並永遠收藏這部單車。
Specialized ㇐貫秉持「Innovate or Die」的品牌精神,不斷創新研發,以「整合性」的觀念來設計單車及相關零配件,正因以整合性觀點開發商品的堅持,也讓Specialized 成為世界少數能自行開發關鍵零組件如前、後避震器、大盤組等的自行車品牌。而「專注客戶需求」更是Specialized 的產品研發的核心,不論是著名的人體工學設計(Body Geometry)商品,女性專屬商品,最先進的碳纖製程技術,整合避震系統,皆根據不同的騎乘屬性及需求與人體構造所研發設計, 讓騎士能有更好的騎乘體驗。
是否為校友企業 是否有本校畢業校友在職
職缺名稱 Compliance Engineer - Taiwan 產品安規工程師 是否開放外籍人士應徵
需求人數 1 徵才方式 線上徵才
工作薪資 面議 工作性質 正職
工作地點 台中 上班時間 8:30~18:00
學歷要求 大學以上 語文條件 英文中等(聽說讀寫)
證照需求 休假制度 週休二日
You will be a key part of compliance team and work directly with our engineers, engineering consultants, internal and external test lab teams around the world. You will have a central role in ensuring e-bike projects are in compliance with local and international laws. We are continually evolving and improving our compliance system, so your position will need to adapt from time to time to support our process improvements.

1. Work with engineers, consultants and test lab to ensure e-bikes meet all international and local requirements. Frequent communication with teams outside of Asia will be required.
2. Manage complete bike testing to international standards with bike assemblers.
3. Create and maintain complete bike certification documentation.
4. Ability to perform multitasks for supporting teams with different fields.

1. E-bike Certifications
• Coordinate with Product Developers and engineers to ensure international compliance of all pedal assist bicycle parts.
• Communicate with test labs and teams outside Taiwan, potentially requiring flexible hours.
• Ensure proper storage of certificates and documentation.
2. Compliance Testing Review
• Review test results to ensure comprehensive testing and approval of all aspects.
• Complete test records for each model, referencing in-house and 3rd party testing.
3. Specialized RSL and PRSL Maintenance
• Stay updated on changing chemical restrictions related to products and packaging.
• Communicate changes/updates to suppliers and resolve any issues.
• Collaborate with SGS or other test labs to facilitate RSL testing for suppliers.
• Request new supplier sign-off on RSL and PRSL documentation, uploading it to the Agile database. Provide clarification on RSL rules if suppliers have any questions.

1. Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Sciences with 1-2 years’ experience.
2. Understanding of international battery and electronic regulations a plus.
3. Excellent communication skills with an interest in working with teams around the world. Proficient in English.
4. Ability to work in a fast-paced environment & complete tasks within product creation timelines.

1. Familiar with internal test standard, ISO 4210, EN 15194, CPSC, EMC, UL 2271 and UL 2849.
2. Experience collaborates with 3rd part lab to arrange the full bike testing, priority and schedule the test.
3. Ability to troubleshooting with 3rd part lab, clarify the test parameter and identify the failure mode.

科系要求 不限科系
聯絡人 Ann Tsai 聯絡電話 04-23696880
聯絡E-Mail ann.tsai@specialized.com
建立日期 2023/7/17 上午 09:08:00
編輯日期 2023/7/18 下午 03:04:00