就業職缺 > 台灣高虎股份有限公司 - Shipping Operations
應徵職缺  (僅供徵才方式為「線上徵才」使用 )
徵才說明 You'll be part of our team for the shipping team in Kaohsiung Harbour . Join a global company for career development and opportunity!
機構名稱 台灣高虎股份有限公司(13081716) 負責人 Sven Daniel Nordberg
機構地址 台北市中山區長春東路328號9樓
機構簡介 The GAC story started in 1956 when Swedish entrepreneur Bengt Lindwall signed an agreement with two Kuwaiti businessmen to form Gulf Agency Company to provide professional ship agency services in the country. Today, Kuwait’s Shipping License “No.1” is proudly displayed at GAC Kuwait’s office in Farwaniya.

Lindwall’s entrepreneurial spirit led directly to the establishment of GAC over sixty years ago. Over the next decade, more offices opened throughout the Middle East as oil, shipping and logistics business there grew.

We are in business to help your business thrive, even in challenging times. Our promise to provide the best in shipping, logistics and marine services is one we take seriously. And we have the reach, resources, expertise and experience to deliver on that promise.
是否為校友企業 是否有本校畢業校友在職
職缺名稱 Shipping Operations 是否開放外籍人士應徵
需求人數 1 徵才方式 電話聯繫
工作薪資 35000 - 38000 工作性質 正職
工作地點 高雄 上班時間 0900-1800
學歷要求 大學畢業 語文條件 英語
證照需求 Nil 休假制度 前三年享有特休假12天 (未滿一年按比例計算),第四年起享有同勞基法特休假 & 享有一年有薪病假7天
工作內容 The main purpose of this position is to:
 Shipside coordinator for cargo loading/discharging operation, and to boarding vessel if necessary.
 To handle/attend vessel for in/outward clearance.
 Support tasks assigned by managers
 Collect/track suppliers invoices & submit internal DA to finance department.
 Respond client’s inquiry under manager’s supervision

To succeed in this role, you:
1. Knowledge in shipping agency
2. Effective verbal and written communication skills (English)
3. Proficient with MS Office applications, adapt in learning new software

Functional/Technical Skills:
Possesses specialist knowledge and skills required to complete tasks and deliver results in area of responsibility and demonstrates active interest in learning and developing technical skills.

Planning and Organizing:
Establishes the best course of action in achieving desired results and organizes the resources needed to meet objectives.
Customer Focus: Demonstrates commitment in meeting customer needs and expectations, acts with customers in mind and values importance of providing excellent customer service.

Takes prompt action to accomplish objectives, demonstrating ability to take initiatives and seek responsibility without being forced or pushed to do so.
Stress Tolerance: Maintains efficient and effective performance under pressure or opposition, exhibits behavior acceptable to people and to the company even under stress.

Effective Communication:
Effectively put across one’s thoughts and ideas clearly, using appropriate language and grammar in written and oral forms of communication. Can convey and receive information and ideas promoting an effective two-way process, uses various means and ways to exchange and retain information.

- New recruit shall receive related educational training by the company, which will be consideration for job role assignment and future promotion.
科系要求 國際企業系、企業管理系、運籌管理系(含商務經管理碩士班)、行銷與流通管理系、應用英語系、海事風電工程碩士學位學程、造船及海洋工程系、電訊工程系、航運技術系、輪機工程系、海事資訊科技系、航運技術系學士後多元專長培力課 、智慧海事技優專班、航運管理系、商務資訊應用系
聯絡人 何元賓 聯絡電話 0987901948
聯絡E-Mail joseph.he@gac.com
建立日期 2024/11/18 下午 02:27:00
編輯日期 2024/11/19 上午 09:11:00